The Spiritual Disciplines
- Studying (middle finger) the Bible personally or in a group helps us dig deeper into God’s truths.
- Writing down insights helps us remember them.
Consider how the following might enhance your study of Scripture:
1. a. Consider Ezra 7:10. To which three key areas of study did Ezra devote
b. What did he do before he began teaching God’s Word to the people?
- Memorizing the Word (index finger) is the most powerful way to change our thinking and give us the mind of Christ.
- Memorizing Scripture strengthens our faith because it repeatedly reinforces the truth, often just when we need to hear it again.
- When Scripture is stored in the mind, it is available for the Holy Spirit to take and bring to our attention when we need it most. Psalm 119:22; Col 3:2
- Memorization stimulates meditation, anywhere at any time during the day or night
- It helps us resist Satan and conquer temptations and gives us ways to witness to or counsel others.
- If our faith is weak, memorize verses on faith. If you’re struggling with a habit, find verses that will help you experience victory over it.
Tips on Scriptures memory:
- Write out the verses on a sheet of paper or index cards.
- Draw picture reminders to trigger your memory of key words in the verses.
- Memorize the verses perfectly, word for word with each reference.
- Find someone who will hold you accountable for your memory work and will review verses with you.
- Every day, review some of the verses you have memorized and meditate on them.
Discussion Questions:
- Read Proverbs 22:17-19. Why should we keep God’s Word within us and ready on our lips?
- Describe a time, if you can, when Scripture memory helped you during a witnessing or counseling opportunity. Share your experience with the group.
Meditation/reflection (thumb) connects with the others, like the thumb touches each finger. Taking time to ponder what we’ve read, heard, studied and memorized will cause spiritual transformation.
While some advocate a kind of meditation in which they do their best to empty the mind, Christian meditation involves filling our mind with God and truth.
How then do we meditate Christianly?
- Select an appropriate passage and choose the verse(s), phrase(s), or word(s) that impresses you most.
- Repeat each verse or passage in different ways, emphasizing different words each time. Think deeply on the truth that flashes into your mind each time you repeat it.
- Rewrite the verse or passage in your own words.
- Ask yourself questions about the verse or passage. (Does it reveal something about God? Something you should pray about or decide about? Something you should do for the sake of Christ, others, or yourself? And so on.)
- Ask yourself what God would have you do as a result of your encounter with this part of His Word. After your meditation, you should be able to name one (or more) definite response(s) or action(s) you will make because of what you have read.
- Pray as you read through the text. This will submit your mind to the Holy Spirit’s illumination and intensify your spiritual perception.
- Don’t rush through the biblical text. Read less Scripture, if necessary, in order to have adequate time for meditation.
Discussion Questions:
- What do you think it means to meditate on God’s Word throughout the day and night?
- As we meditate on Scripture, what happens to our minds? (See Romans 12:2.)
Putting the Word into practice (palm) is crucial. Knowledge acquisition isn’t the goal, application is, when dealing with God’s Word.
Discussion Questions:
- Read James 1:22-25. When you read the Bible, do you find it easy to apply what you read to your life? Why, or why not?
- What steps will you take to deal with the obstacles you expect to face as you begin to memorize God’s Word?
- What three steps can you take this week to cultivate the Discipline of meditating on God’s Word?
Ask God to open your eyes and show you the wonderful truths in His Word. Praise Him for who He is and ask Him to guide you as you seek to apply biblical truths in your life.